If you're looking for information about Zinwell 300 Mbps Wireless USB Wi-Fi Adapter Dedicated for ZIN-5005HD HD Networking Media Player online. Please click the button below or the picture to see more detail, review, overview, customer review and updated price for Zinwell 300 Mbps Wireless USB Wi-Fi Adapter Dedicated for ZIN-5005HD HD Networking Media Player. And finally you can buy Zinwell 300 Mbps Wireless USB Wi-Fi Adapter Dedicated for ZIN-5005HD HD Networking Media Player online with easy shipping to your home.
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- 300 Mbps Wi-Fi USB Adapter dedicated for ZIN-5005HD Networking Media Player
- WPS button (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) for easy and secure establishment of a wireless network
- 802.11e-compatible bursting and I standards
- BPSK, QPSK, 16 QAM, 64 QAM, DBPSK, DQPSK, and CCK modulation schemes
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